Guy Allan Davis: How to Find Inspiration for Dessert Themes

Guy Allan Davis has a lot of experience with dessert themes. When thinking about a theme for your dessert, you never want to start with a blank slate. Conduct an assessment of the event or the occasion. Learn more about the celebrant and his or her tastes and preferences. This should give you a number of ideas that can guide your inspiration. Other than that, your inspiration can come from anywhere. It can be a famous building, a fashion movement or a book. Unless a celebration is very traditional, you can create any design that you want. You can take a look at the designs that surround you in your daily life, look at photos of events that inspire you or pictures of the celebrant. In certain cases, honorees can tell you the theme that you need to stay close to. It may be football, something about flying or a theme connected with high school. You may not have a vision of the subject, in which case you can find a lot of pictures and descriptions on the Internet to draw your inspiration from.

Guy Allan Davis How to Find Inspiration for Dessert Themes

Depending on how much time you have, you may want to first draw designs on a piece of paper and sketch a few ideas.

Don’t be afraid to scale down your approach. For example, you may decide that you want to create a cake that looks like a pirate ship and realize that it’s too much of an undertaking. It is okay to simplify and go with what you can accomplish in the allotted timeframe. Professional bakers like Guy Allan Davis understand the importance of having great food, but they also know that it’s important to adhere to deadlines.

Also Read: Guy Allan Davis: Planning Your Workspace for Dessert Creation

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