Guy Allan Davis – The Benefits of a Low-Sodium Diet

During his work as a pastry chef and bread baker, Guy Allan Davis has been able to reduce the sodium content of the bread and baked goods he creates without losing any of the flavor in the end product. Reducing the amount of sodium in food is beneficial for many reasons, including all of the below.

Decreasing Blood Pressure

High levels of sodium have been shown to increase blood pressure, which leads to increased risk of heart attack and other issues. By decreasing the amount of sodium in your diet you will enjoy lower blood pressure. In fact, this focus on preventing cardiovascular disease led to the formation of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) program, which has been able to show the tangible benefits of reducing sodium in your diet.

Less Chance of Liver Disease

While it is only diets that are very high in sodium that may result in chronic liver disease, the fact that it is an issue should encourage many to consider their sodium intake. The less sodium that your liver has to deal with, the more likely it is going to be able to function correctly.

Weight Loss

Many of the foods that are high in sodium also tend to be fairly high in fat. By reducing the amount of sodium you consume it is likely that you will cut out a lot of unhealthy food, allowing you to lose weight.

A Final Note

While Guy Allan Davis works to reduce the sodium content in his food, it is important to remember that a certain amount of sodium is good for you, so remember the daily recommendations.

Also Read: Guy Allan Davis – How To Temper Chocolate

Guy Allan Davis – Things To Look For In A Cake Designer

Having worked as a pastry chef, cake decorator and wedding cake designer for much of his career, Guy Allan Davis is aware of what people are looking for when they seek talented cake designers. If you are looking for a cake designer, try to find all of the below before making any choices.

Guy Allan Davis - Things To Look For In A Cake Designer

Examples of Real Work

Anybody can talk about how good they are, but it is the ones who can show you who should be given the most credit. When speaking to potential designers you should ask to examine examples of their work. This will allow you to see if the work is crisp and professional, as well as getting an idea for what the designer will bring to the table in terms of ideas.

Try Some Cake

The design of the cake is important, but it will mean little if the cake tastes awful. When you meet your designer you should ask to try a few samples. Most will offer this to you on their own accord, so be wary of any who are hesitant in providing samples or who try to change the conversation when you ask for a taste test.

Inspect The Setup

Professional cake designers, like Guy Allan Davis, will have all of the tools of the trade. As Allen states himself: “I have acquired an extensive collection of tools for my craft,” which is something that you should look for in all cake designers. Furthermore, the best designers will also offer contracts and other professional documentation if you choose to work with them.

Guy Allan Davis – Becoming A Pastry Chef

Guy Allan Davis is a pastry chef who prepares many different kinds of desserts and bread. He also makes wedding cakes. He is focused on providing his customers with a consistent experience and is always looking for new recipes to please them. If you are thinking about becoming a pastry chef, these tips can help.

Culinary School

If you want to become a pastry chef you should get the proper training by attending culinary school. You will learn different baking and cooking techniques and will be given time to perfect your recipes and your skills.


While you are attending culinary school or after you graduate you will want to work with other professionals and have a chance to apply the skills you learned or are learning in culinary school. You can do this by completing an internship at a restaurant or under a chef.

Entry Level Jobs

You may not be ready to open a restaurant or bakery as soon as you graduate culinary school, but you can work as a pastry chef at an entry level position. You may be an assistant baker at a restaurant or you may even be able to work under another baker in a bakery. You can then work your way to other positions.

If you are looking to become a pastry chef like Guy Allan Davis, the above tips can help you. Being a pastry chef can allow you to be creative and make a living doing what you love.


Guy Allan Davis – Habits of Successful People

Guy Allan Davis is a certified master chef and a member of World Master Chefs Society (WMCS). He knows that what makes some people successful involves the cultivation of certain habits. Therefore, learning what these habits are and how to utilize them in your own life could be a worthwhile exercise.

Habits of successful people include:

They read regularly

Successful people are aware of the benefits of reading regularly. Reading regularly will help to feed your mind and improve your creativity. It gives you a mental map to avoid some common mistakes that people make in life.

They are organized

One of the major habits of those who are successful in life is organization. Organization includes planning, as well as setting priorities and goals.

They exercise regularly

Exercise certainly is a portion of the day-to-day regimen of successful people. It will make you feel good about yourself, keep your body healthy, improve your mental alertness and teach you discipline.

They have a balanced life

Successful individuals set apart time for their family and themselves. Personal time is critical because it’s the time you are able to reflect and develop new strategies for your success journey.

They constantly invest in themselves

Successful people constantly invest in themselves. To become successful, learn to educate yourself, invest in relationships and take care of your physical and mental health.

They take action

It is important to organize, to plan and to set priorities, but without action, a plan is nothing more than potential.

Guy Allan Davis was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He attended Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), and Jon Jacob School of Technology, Germany. He likes skiing and riding bike.


Guy Allan Davis – Importance of Self-Discipline

Guy Allan Davis is a passionate pastry chef and a member of World Master Chefs Society (WMCS). He knows that self-discipline is the most important attribute needed to achieve any type of personal excellence, athletic excellence or virtuosity in the arts.

Self-discipline involves acting according to what you think instead of how you feel. It is being able to turn down immediate pleasure and instant gratification in order to gain long-term satisfaction and fulfillment from achieving higher and more meaningful goals.

Being disciplined does not mean living a limiting or a restrictive lifestyle. It does mean learning how to avoid distractions and focus your mind, resources and energies on your goals and persevere until they are accomplished. Self-discipline will help you to cultivate a mindset whereby you are ruled by your deliberate choices rather than by your emotions or bad habits. Self-discipline allows you to reach your goals in a reasonable time frame and to live a more happy and satisfying life. Furthermore, self-discipline will help to boost your self-esteem and confidence.

A disciplined life includes having good habits like eating the right foods, having a bath, getting enough exercise, and waking and sleeping at right times. These habits help to keep the body and mind healthy. The easiest way to get respect is to be disciplined; people’s respect for you will grow and you will influence the lives of others. Disciplined individuals are more likely to experience great success in all areas of their lives and they enjoy a more rewarding and satisfying life.

Guy Allan Davis is a consultant and a certified master chef who specializes on patisserie designation in pastry. He loves skiing and riding bikes.


Guy Allan Davis – Why You Should Consider Eating Sourdough Bread

For many people, the idea of eating bread that is sour is not quite appealing. However, it turns out that sourdough bread might just be what the doctor ordered for your digestive health. As professional bread and pastry chefs like Guy Allan Davis probably understand, the process that goes into making sourdough bread lends to its benefits in humans.

A bread made from sourdough leaven takes skill to come up with. Thanks to the lactic acids that ferment the dough and give its sour taste, the flavor of such bread is unique. While the preservatives and additives that are contained in factory-made bread help make it last a few days before growing mold, sourdough bread ages well, and is least likely to be wasted.

Why sourdough bread is good for you

Sourdough is easily digested in your body and contains more nutrients than standard bread. The lactic and lactic acid in the bread makes the nutrients in the bread easily available to the body by counteracting the phytates that would block their absorption. This acid reduces the rate of glucose release into the bloodstream, thus reducing the glycemic index (an important factor in diabetes diagnosis). The lactic acid also makes the gluten protein present in floor less likely to cause digestive problems.

Even with all its benefits, it’s important for consumers to know that sourdough bread does go stale and can grow mold. However, it’s nice to know that this artisan bread has more than enough benefits to make it worth your while.

Guy Allan Davis – What You Should Know About Gluten-Free Lifestyle

For people who can’t tolerate gluten, which is a protein form found in barley, rye, and wheat, gluten-free foods are a blessing. For professional chefs like Guy Allan Davis, it’s an opportunity to take their skills up a notch by developing gluten-free products and recipes. Indeed, an increase in awareness on gluten in foods has made supermarkets and restaurants abound with gluten-free products and menu options.

People suffering from celiac disease are at the forefront of the gluten-free movement. For these people, their digestive systems can’t tolerate even the smallest amounts of gluten. Even a few milligrams are enough to cause intestinal problems and lead to a host of other issues. In modern times, celiac disease can be diagnosed through a blood test.

Gluten free lifestyle

Adopting a gluten-free lifestyle means more than just avoiding the conventional bread, pizza, beer and pasta. Gluten is also present in many other products like soy sauce, foods that contain natural flavorings and even toothpaste. Indeed, following a gluten-free lifestyle can pose some challenges.

If you have decided to adopt this lifestyle, it’s important to know that you might be missing out on some important nutrients present in “normal’ foods. Bread and cereals fortified with vitamins can be a major source of these nutrients. A major source of dietary fiber, which aids the digestive process, is present in whole wheat. It’s possible to get the fiber from fruits and vegetables, but it will require focused efforts.

If you think your digestive system is sensitive to gluten, it’s best to consult a doctor before deciding gluten free.

Guy Allan Davis – Make Your Own Wedding Cake

Guy Allan Davis has been a professional pastry chef for much of his adult life. After years of internships across Europe, he went back to his home country of Canada to start his career in pastry making. Over the years, he’s developed a successful career that has seen him work with hotels, convention centers, and government agencies. As a respected wedding cake designer and cake decorator, Mr. Davis knows a few things that can help individuals come up with good wedding cakes.

Guy Allan Davis - Make Your Own Wedding Cake

When it comes to wedding cakes, many couples prefer to seek professionals like Guy Allan Davis. However, there are those that prefer to save the money and do it themselves, even if it means spending the night before the big day with aprons full of flour and icing. If you are thinking of making your own cake, consider the following tips.

Early start

This cannot be stressed enough. Having an early start to the process enables you to find the right equipment and recipe to employ.

Recommended post: Guy Allan Davis – Advice For Choosing A Wedding Cake

Good recipes

Baking is an art form and a science that takes time and patience to master. However, with a good recipe, you can shorten the learning curve. The secret is to find a good recipe with ingredients you can source and instructions you can understand.

Proper equipment

To succeed in this venture, you require the right equipment. From a stand mixer to the cake boards and the pans and decorating stand, you shouldn’t skimp on using the right equipment.

Anticipate pressure

Anticipate that the process will not be without pressure. Keep that in mind and you will handle everything that comes your way.

Guy Allan Davis – The Basics to Good Baking

Guy Allan Davis has been a pastry chef and bread baker for almost 16 years. He started as a journeyman baker in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1999, slowly progressing to pastry chef in the years that followed thanks to hard work and dedication. In his career, Allan Davis knows the importance of putting time into learning and experimenting, especially when it comes to baking.

As Guy Allan Davis knows, it doesn’t take a special gift to come up with baking wonders. The secret to excelling in the career is a constant practice. Even those chefs who seemingly mix things together and come up with baked delights have reached that level thanks to many years of baking. The skill and confidence required to thrive come with continuous practice.

If you are new to baking, there are some basic things you have to keep in mind to excel. First, it’s always important to read the instructions provided in the recipe. There’s a reason they are printed there, so read and understand. Good bakers are also accurate in their assessment, so don’t ignore the instructions.

Second, a baker is only as good as the tools and utensils they use. Having the right pan sizes, mixing bowls and additional equipment ensures that you are prepared for whatever baking assignment you take on. Additionally, quality equipment helps you get the quantities right.

Lastly, it’s very important to use quality ingredients. There’s no way you will achieve quality results if you use sub-standard ingredients. The ingredients you use should be fresh and of the best quality.

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